2013 | FUGA, Budapest
“The first set of ojects one is confronted with are three monochrome globe forms, carefully placed on a table, painted black, white and grey. It is a symbolic erasure of continents and oceans, the traces of how the map would represent the earth, where one can spot a home land. There is only a word on the fourth globe: Heimat, in gothic German characters. There is no stopping from here, the installation starts to work on the viewer and the different aspects of colonializing discoveries and the means and effects reveal themselves, posing the question: what counts as home today, and how was this home constructed? […] The installation shows that – as a mode of traversing throuht time – the juxtaposition of the technical and scientific devices of distant epochs, those once of major importance (like the filing system, cartography, botany etc.) can be presented by contenporary modes and approaches of visualisation. The work however points beyond the invocation of the past. It directs attention to how the framework of contextualization can switch perspective. Albert’s aspiration is to understand and critique the mechanism of taxonomic system, classification, archiving, in other words, the construction of sytematic knowledge through the realm of the aesthetic.” (VARGA, Tünde | 2014)